MGL 2001, 2002 RULES
- Arranging Matches
- Pre-Match Form
- Before the Match
- During the Match
- Winning the Match
- Post Match Form
- Scoring and Winning the League
- Guilds Being Removed
- Mage Presence at Matches
- Arranging matches
- The arrangement of matches is solely the responsibility of the Guild Representatives of the two guilds due to play, as indicated by the Fixture Listing
- All match arrangements should be finalised at least one week in advance so that both guilds have time to inform their members.
- All mail relating to the arrangement of a match from another Guild Rep. should be replied to as soon as is practically possible. This is a courteous thing to do and ensures both good relations and smooth running within the MGL Council
- The matches may arranged for any time that suits both guilds, within the given week
- If a representative fails to reply to arrangement e-mails from another rep, details should be forwarded to Freya@gamemaster.ws or Hat@gamemaster.ws. A representative who repeatedly fails to arrange matches, or is excessively slow in replying, faces removal from the MGLC, and if his guild cannot find a suitable replacement, they will be removed from the MGL.
- Pre-match Form
- The MGL rep for each guild will receive a file containing both a Pre-match and Post-match form. After arrangements of a match have been finalised, both representatives should copy the Pre-match form and paste it into e-mail.
- The form should be filled in completely and sent to freya@gamemaster.ws or Hat@gamemaster.ws with the subject title "Week X - Guild 1 vs. Guild 2 Pre-match", where X is the week number and Guild 1 and Guild 2 are the participating guilds.
- Before the Match
- All players should arrive with appropriate characters in the Tavern in plenty of time (preferably 15 minutes before the game starts)
- Official Ruling - If one team is short of members due to latecomers, this is not the fault of the other team and so the other team is within their rights to request the game starts.
- Unofficial Ruling - It is very likely that on occasion a guild will be short of members, with others likely to arrive a short while later. In this case - the leader of the afflicted guild may request a slight delay. Whether or not the delay is granted or not is completely at the disgression of the opposing guild. If such a delay is granted, you should make all players aware of it. If the delay is denied, the game should start immediately. Note that there is no minimum limit for the number of players on a team.
- NB - It is in the spirit of the MGL to grant these delays where needed, although a guild who constantly uses/abuses this option should try to make sure their members are on time.
- Both guild leaders should check that each team is within the Cumulative Level Limit. This is;
120 Total Levels for the 5-15
240 Total Levels for the 10-30
The "Cumulative Level" is defined as the sum total of the levels of all characters on a team at the start of a match.
- Wherever possible Chatlogs should be kept by the reps of all 'chat' within the Tavern and the Game Table. This may prove useful in settling any disputes that may arise.
- If agreed upon prior to the match by both guild representatives (on behalf of their guilds), a 3rd party may create the private game table. This 3rd party may be a Mage (if present) or a player who will not be participating in the match. If the 3rd party is a player - they must be prepared to wait outside the game and reinvite any player that is booted from either team. Any player that assumes this role must not enter the game. Late arrivals may not be invited after the initial 5 minutes. Only those players who have been booted from the game as a result of connection problems or similar may re-enter the game.
3.6 The Class-4 rule Each team may include a maximum of 4 players of each class (i.e. 4 clerics, 4 ments etc). The exception to this is when a guild already has 4 players of each class and has not exceeded the CLL. In this case, the guild may field a 5th player of each class (if they have 5 of each and do not exceed CLL - they may take a 6th and so on..).
- During the Match
- The 5 Minute Rule - This rule means that during the first 5 minutes of a match, no player of either team should leave the shrine area. The shrine area is defined as the room in the immediate vicinity of the shrine pillar. Biasing of the shrine pool is not allowed during this time. This rule is to make sure all members are in the game before starting. If any members suffer an "Unsuccessful World Download", they should notify the table creator and their Representative via PM. The table creator should then leave the game and reinvite any such players (the table creator should be prepared to do this before making the table).
- Any player who is booted from or leaves a game after the 5 minute period for whatever reason is considered lost and takes no further part in the match. The exception to this rule is in the case that the game table has been prearranged to be created by a 3rd party (see 3.5). In this case - the 3rd party should reinvite the booted players.
- All normal Magestorm Rules, Community Standards and Mythic Terms of Service apply during MGL matches. Any breach of these will result in the appropriate action being taken. A serious breach may also result in a guild being excluded from the MGL.
- The Cumulative Level Limit must be observed by both teams at all times throughout the match. If one team is found to be over the limit (120 for 5-15 League, 210 for 10-30 league), they must immediately remove players such that they are below the limit once more, or face disqualification from that match, with the opposing team being awarded a Win-result.
- Chat logs of in-game 'chat' are valuable for settling disputes, so it is advantageous if each team keeps at least one.
- Winning the Match
- A match is considered over when the "Score screen" is displayed.
- Both enemy shrines must be destroyed and your own shrine kept fully powered for a period of 30 seconds in order for a victory to be claimed (normal game victory conditions).
- The 3rd shrine in a game has no defenders and so may be destroyed by either team at any time after the initial 5 minute period.
- If a player is in the vicinity of the third shrine, whilst his own shrine is up, he should attempt to destroy it. Any attempt to wall up the 3rd shrine in an attempt to prevent a team winning (or any other abuse of the 3rd shrine to gain advantage) will be a forfeitable offence.
- If agreed upon prior to the match by both guild representatives (on behalf of their guilds), the 3rd shrine may be destroyed during the 5 minute period. A player will be nominated and agreed upon by both guilds to destroy the shrine. This player and this player only shall be permitted to leave their own shrine, travel directly to the empty shrine, destroy it and return directly to their own shrine. They should not attempt to bias any pools or cast any spells (walls etc) during this time.
- Post-match Form
- You will have received a file containing both a Pre-match and Post-match form. After arrangements of a match have been finalised, both representatives should copy the Pre-match form and paste it into e-mail.
- The form should be filled in completely and sent to Freya@gamemaster.ws or Hat@gamemaster.ws with the subject title "Week X - Guild 1 vs. Guild 2 Pre-match", where X is the week number and Guild 1 and Guild 2 are the participating guilds. A copy of the "Score Screen" should also be attached. The screen may be captured using "Print Screen", and then pasted into any graphics program or e-mail.
- Scoring and Winning the League
- The league will be won by the team with the most points at the end of the season.
- A win is worth 5 points to the winning team
- A draw is worth 2 points to each participating team
- A loss is worth 0 points
- The season is considered over when all matches have been played.
- Guilds Being Removed
- The removal of a guild from the MGL for reasons other than serious breach of Magestorm Rules, Community Standards and Mythic Terms of Service, will be subject to a majority vote by the MGL Council. Each council rep will have 1 vote and should consult his/her guild prior to voting.
- If during the course of the season a guild is removed from the MGL for any reason, all points earned by any guild whilst playing this guild will also be lost.
- NB - This is unfortunate, but is the only way to keep the league fair. Careful consideration should be made before voting to remove a guild.
- Mage Presence at Matches
- Whenever possible a Mage will be available to oversee the games, and assist with any issues that arise. Either Mage_Tag or myself will attempt to be present if possible.
- Any Mage present will not take any action to directly affect the game or its result (such as destroying the 3rd shrine). They are there purely as an observer and reference point for any rules query that may arise.
- Players should not attempt to attack or harass (i.e. by walling the Mage himself/herself etc) a Mage in a match in anyway. Doing so may hamper the Mage's efforts to observe a particular event or incident.
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