NO-SOLID-WALLS 10-30 LEAGUE 2004 Rules
10 – 30 NSW League Rules
All players should arrive with appropriate characters in the
Tavern in plenty of time (15 minutes before the game starts)
If one team is short of members due to latecomers, this is not the
fault of the other team and so the other team is within their
rights to request the game starts.
Both guild leaders/ reps should check that each team is within the
Cumulative Level Limit. This is: 240 Total Levels
The "Cumulative Level" is defined as the sum total of the levels
of all characters on a team at the start of a match.
Chat logs should be kept by the reps of all 'chat' within the
Tavern and the Game Table. This may prove useful in settling any
disputes that may arise.
All players must remove solid walls from their ready list. Use of
these walls will result in an immediate forfeit. This should be
done in the Study and not from spell lists in game, because if a
player is booted the spells reset and a solid wall may be cast in
The 5 Minute Rule - This rule means that during the first 5
minutes of a match, no player of either team should leave the
shrine pillar. This rule is to make sure all members are in the
game before starting. If any members suffer an "Unsuccessful World
Download", they should notify the table creator and their
Representative via PM. The table creator should then leave the
game and re-invite any such players (the table creator should be
prepared to do this before making the table).
Players may not enter or bias pools during this time. This
includes Elds.
The 3rd shrine in a game in a 2 team game, has no defenders and so
must be destroyed by either team prior to 55:00 on the clock.
All normal Magestorm Rules, Community Standards and Mythic Terms
of Service apply during NSW matches. Any breach of these will
result in the appropriate action being taken. A serious breach may
also result in a guild being excluded from the event.
The Cumulative Level Limit must be observed by both teams at all
times throughout the match. If one team is found to be over the
limit, they must immediately remove players such that they are
below the limit once more, or face disqualification from that
match, with the opposing team being awarded a Win-result.
Every guild must make an active and honest attempt to attack
during each match. Mage_Op on duty reserves the right to warn a
guild after 10 minutes of a guild not doing so. Failure to obey
this warning may result in a forfeit being awarded to the opposing
Winning the Match
A match is considered over when the "Score screen" is displayed.
The Enemy shrine must be destroyed and your own shrine kept fully
powered for a period of 30 seconds in order for a victory to be
claimed (normal game victory conditions).
The final score screen SS must be sent to the events team after
the match as evidence of the winner.
Points ... will be awarded as follows:
Win = 5 points
Draw = 1 point
Loss = 0 points
Arranging matches
The time table of matches for the league will be available for the
whole event prior to its commencement. Reps are responsible for
making sure their guilds know when and whom they are playing and
for making sure their guilds are present to play. Any disputes or
questions must be raised through the official guild rep.
Rep Duties
Every guild must appoint an events rep, failure to do so will
result in non participation in official events.
Reps are responsible for informing their guilds of matches to be
played, for chat logs of all matches played and for final SS to
prove the winner of a match.
They are the contact with the events team for all matters of
discussion on events and are expected to be professional and
Any rep who fails to carry out these duties will receive a
warning. If a rep gets more than 3 warnings, the events team will
contact their GMs to appoint another rep. If there is no
improvement in conduct then the guild will risk removal from the