For the first 20 minutes, nearly all of BC's chars were waiting in their own shrine area, turning down one attack after the other. The SoLD offense team of course wasn't able to do more than tickle their shrine now and then. From time to time a flying ment or a low level cleric came to visit the SoLD shrine. The SoLD defense was awaiting a heavy attack at any point. When 30 minutes were left, we got the blue shrine down twice in a row. We sent our ment to kill off the red shrine. Pug_BC got booted twice during these five minutes. Then all of a sudden, things were very chaotic. BC started their major attack, tried to wall the SoLD defense out of their own shrine, and at the same time a SoLD major attack took place. The SoLD offense team managed to keep the blue shrine down and the game was won. ~ Marleen Blue Circle Falls Short Against SoLD After defeating the SBR team last week, team BC went into the SoLD match feeling quite confident but realizing the powerhouse that lied ahead of them. SoLD was dead even with BC in the points standings and both guilds appeared hungry for the win. The match was set in the Thunder Keep with BC on Order and SoLD on Balance. SoLD happened to win a fair coin toss and won the green shrine. At the shout of go the BC team tried to throw SoLD off by playing all defense. It was a weird idea but effective if performed correctly. They quickly took out every SoLD attacker in a matter of seconds. So far the plan was working great. Although when the plan had been originated, BC had not expected all the SoLD wizzies. After 15 minutes or so the BC team noticed that SoLD was adding more people on offense which again added to the plan. When the time came the BC team got ready for there attack. Without giving any information away of how we attacked what basically happened is we snuck into the green shrine and Enforcer=BC quickly knocked off the SoLD Waller. The second part of the offensive plan went into action. The two wizzies which defended SoLD chased after Enforcer. Then two clerics jump from up top and walled all of SoLD out. Bam, the SolD Shrine was dead. BC Cheered but then something unexpected happened. Pug_BC got booted! As if BC's defense wasnt weak enough now that they were attacking but they lost a big wizzy. In seconds the BC shrine was destroyed. Back at SoLD's base Enforcer was shot off and quickly tapped to get back to his shrine. SoLD eventually got there shrine up and then BC's just couldnt be recovered. Juliet and Enforcer both tried desperatly to bring it up but a 15 healer, who i can not remember, i think it was Abakus? Someone like that just kept knocking the shrine down. What a hero he was to the SoLD team. After 40 mintues of game play the BC team had been slain. There first loss in nearly 4 years. WTG SoLD, you played an excellent game. GG BC, next we have the undefeated AD, and guess what? They won't be undefeated for long! ~ Fierce (Blue Circle) |