2004-02-03 / Congratulations Gerrit!

errit is back from hospital where his wife gave birth to their second child - a girl :) Gerrit claims that he only has one more free slot now before he has to open up another woman (which he can't afford). Andi thinks Gerrit should wait until his first child is 30 before getting three more slots though!

2004-02-02 / Old Boards Locked Up

ell the new boards are now fully functioning and looking fantastic (great job Marleen), so the old ones have been locked up and set to read-only now. All important topics have been moved over - though you're all welcome to move any others over yourselves if you want to.

2004-02-01 / There we go - New Keep

ust in time for the first february news, we can confirm that we moved into our new rised keep - newer, shinier, better, and ad-free.
Enter The New SoLD Boards...

2004-01-31 / Busy bees

ou might have noticed that we had a new news up every day in january (if you're Xeeron anyway). So today we'll take a break from the news posting and look forward to tomorrow's news: something you've been waiting for desperately (if you're Xeeron anyway)!

2004-01-30 / Magestorm Risk

uploaded the popular board game Risk (in its Magestorm shape, of course) to our Games page that you can find in the Gallery. The .zip file contains the actual game board as well as territory cards and playing figures.

2004-01-29 / Gallery tidied up

ince there really is a lot of stuff in our Gallery by now, we tidied it up some. Now you should be able to find everything much quicker.

2004-01-28 / PHP board for SoLD

ou will be pleased to hear that it has been decided that we will get rid of the ezBoard and instead have a cool PHP one of our own, as part of the moving of this website to our own domain.

2004-01-27 / Member Profiles complete

miracle happened and Mikko actually filled out his profile! So the profiles are pretty much all complete now. Remember you can see them by going to the Roster page and clicking on the name of the member who you wish to view the profile of.

2004-01-26 / Magestorm Back Up

ell its back up again now at 7.30pm CET on 26th. If I'd played in the last month I'd be able to test to see if it was set back far at all. But err.. well lets wait and see.

2004-01-25 / Magestorm goes Lego

added a couple of funny little lego people in Magestorm outfit to our artwork page in the Gallery.

2004-01-24 / Whilst Mage is down

ell Mage went down yesterday (23rd), so you might want to occupy yourself with a simple Wordsearch. I'm not gonna give out the solutions or the total amount of words to look for. This way it'll be beyond 6 year old level. We're talking more like 10 year old level now...
We've put it within the Games subsection of The Gallery. Have fun.

2004-01-23 / New Website

n update to the news that we'd be moving home to a real SoLD-named domain soon: The domain will be www.sold-guild.com.
Check back for further details on the new site soon!

2004-01-22 / The Ballot Box

e added yet another page to our website - The Ballot Box. You find it in the "order" submenu. Please vote in our current poll (there will be new polls every now and then).

2004-01-21 / Punk'd!

eat was punked today when he interviewed himself and didn't realise until the very end. This is both a birthday present for him and celebrating the fact that he returned to Magestorm.
You can read the interview at full length in our Parchments!

2004-01-20 / Other Sites

t the request of our King - who was struggling to find other guild websites without help from me and Marleen - we've put in a section for other guild and magestorm site links. Its down there under the Magestorm menu heading. Let us know if you have trouble finding it Jochen ;)

2004-01-19 / Buddy Icons

ust because there's no page with Magestorm buddy icons around the www yet, we added one to our website. Go to the Gallery page and pick one out of various new icons, made for the use in your messenger program. Some are animated!

2004-01-18 / Arsenal

as only a matter of time before I managed to come up with some news with that name. Anyway, The Warlord's Arsenal (forum) has now been added to the boards for discussing old match chat logs and learn from our past successes as well as mistakes.

2004-01-17 / Which SoLD Are You?

ake the little quiz I came up with the other day and find out. Go through the Parchments page to find it.
Apologies in advance if you turn out to be me.

2004-01-16 / Gallery Page re-sorted

ince our artwork gallery got a little crowded, we did some tidying up today. Enjoy our new tidy Gallery page - it has links to the sections 'Magestorm Mods' and 'Guild Artwork'.

2004-01-15 / Moving soon

urprise, surprise! After 3 years we finally got ourselves a domain name of our own. We will be moving with this site bit by bit and let you know the new address when the moving is completed.

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