--> | Do you play any other multiplayer online games? | No, only Guild Wars, and thats enough for me for the moment ;) |
--> | What´s your favourite class to play? | I like to play warrior and necromancer.. It fits so well to my preferred tactics lol |
--> | Have you been or are you in any other gaming guilds? | Like Moritz, i was in the Order Of The Phalanx (hey I became admiral ;)) but as he said it was not really a guild, they only played one game... |
--> | Have you ever slept with one or several council members? | No, not yet. I should work on it I know ;) |
--> | Have you ever killed Tel? | I hope that I will get a chance in a PvP match in GW! |
--> | Anything else you´d like to say? | Joining SoLD was the best I ever did :) |